expert spray analysis

 research, development, testing and

consulting services

spray research, inc. offers a wide range of research, development, analysis, testing and consulting services related to spray atomizers and their application in industrial processes. Our lab has been carefully structured to complement the existing testing and development capabilities of the major nozzle manufacturers and public research institutions.

Since spray research is not affiliated with any nozzle manufacturer, our focus remains always on serving our customers' best interests. Our independence grants us the flexibility to specify the best possible atomizer for our customers, regardless of the manufacturer. Results of comparative atomizer performance testing performed at spray research are not tainted by possible commercial biases. 

Although our lab is furnished with an impressive array of spray analysis equipment and instrumentation, our greatest value resides in the expertise and innovative sense developed in over 30 years of atomizer design and spray research.

spray analysis

 Our primary laboratory tools are Dantec and TSI laser phase Doppler particle analyzers, powerful and widely accepted analysis instruments for use on well-atomized sprays and solid particles. Imaging and interferometric spray analyzers are also available and are particularly well-suited to coarse and not fully- atomized sprays. 

SprayTec, Insitec and MasterSizer light scattering particle analyzers from Malvern round out the suite

high-speed imaging

 Several digital high speed video motion analysis systems provide detailed visualizations of spray dynamics at speeds of up to 8000 frames per second.  Images acquired using the short pulse width of the 120 mJ dual-cavity Nd/YAG laser allow for the capture of  high-speed phenomena at frame rates up to 13 Hz.

particle imaging velocimetry

 Our TSI planar Particle Imaging Velocimeter ["PIV"] is a powerful tool for investigating the dynamics of the spray plume and near-field recirculation zones.
Extensions to the TSI PIV instrument include Planar Laser-Induced Flourescence ["PLIF"], Global Sizing and Velocity ["GSV"] and shadowsizing particle imagery ["SSA"]. 

spray chamber

 The primary 3.6m x 1.8m [12' x 6'] spray chamber allows
the safe and responsible testing of simulants, non-water fluids and slurries.
The chamber can be fitted with a variety of
1-, 2- and 3-axis traverses for automated spray sampling anywhere within the spray envelope.  


 The lab is equipped and fully instrumented to operate dual-fluid atomizers with either compressed air or steam. Our in-house boiler can supply saturated steam at up to 90 kg/hr at 8.5 barg [200 pph at 125 psig]. The lab is instrumented to accommodate up to 450 kg/hr [1200 pph] with steam provided by a portable boiler 

pressure chamber

 A custom-built pressure spray chamber allows investigation of sprays behavior at environmental pressures of up to 37.9 barg
[550 psig].
Two Ø200mm quartz view ports allow optical access for PDPA and PIV measurements.


 spray research incorporated can provide on-site testing services for situations where laboratory studies do not suffice. For example, we have developed a custom insertion PDPA probe for full-scale mist eliminator carry-over evaluations at power plants. This probe eliminates the need for internal tracks and mounts.

wind tunnel

 A modular open-circuit wind tunnel features a unique configurable stilling/contraction section that supports either a 0.6m x 0.6m [24"x24"] or 0.9m x 0.6m [36"x24"] test section.
The axial vane fan delivers air flow velocities from 3 m/sec [10 fps] to a maximum of 25 m/sec [83 fps] 

spray dryer optimization

 Ranging in evaporative capacity from the lab-scale Buchi 190 and Yamato Pulvis GA-31, through the pilot-scale Yamato DL-41, and to the pre-production-scale Niro Mobile Minor, spray research incorporated  provides comprehensive spray dryer scale-up, optimization and troubleshooting services. 

fluids characterization

 Tests with non-water fluids, as well as extrapolations from water-based data, require accurate characterization of the physical properties of the fluids.
Utilizing its full suite of instrumentation, spray research provides viscosity, density, Surface Tension and refractive index characterizations over a wide range of temperatures and environmental pressures

custom experimental solutions

 With its fully-equipped prototype and fabrication shop, spray research incorporated can provide custom experimental setups.

 [pictured: high-temperature tower for spray evaporation studies].

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